速報APP / 財經 / UCO mBanking

UCO mBanking





版本需求:Android 4.3 以上版本




UCO mBanking(圖1)-速報App

UCO Bank is a commercial Bank and a Government of India Undertaking and providing various services to its customers. To provide better online services, Bank is introducing the New Mobile Banking Application.

Following Facilities are available in the Mobile Application:-

UCO mBanking(圖2)-速報App

Bharat Qr Code (Rupay Card only)

OTP Auto capture

UCO mBanking(圖3)-速報App

Banking Transactions-Account Details and Statement(protected with password)

Fund Transfer-Self Linked Account, Third Party Transfer within Bank,

UCO mBanking(圖4)-速報App

Transfer to Loan/RD/PPF Account

Fund Transfer-Transfer to other Bank's Account-NEFT, RTGS,

UCO mBanking(圖5)-速報App

IMPS Transfer using Account number and IFSC, Mobile number and MMID, Aadhar Number and Merchant payments.

Opening of Term Deposit, Recurring Deposit,

UCO mBanking(圖6)-速報App

Debit Card Hotlisting,

Standing Instructions Creation and Deletions

UCO mBanking(圖7)-速報App

Cheque Operations

Bill Payments, Mobile and DTH Recharges with receipt & selection from mobile phone's contact book

UCO mBanking(圖8)-速報App